12 Questions to Make the Right Choices in Life as Per Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos 12 Questions

Making the right choices can be a daunting proposition in the world of changing priorities and dynamics. Many people struggle to make the big choices in life, they give in to the regular and mundane pursuits that consume them. But when it comes to the richest person in the world, Jeff Bezos, he has a clear framework that guides his choices.

Jeff Bezos is one of the most successful entrepreneurs and forward looking leaders in the world today. He is well respected for his personal qualities and approach that has helped him build Amazon into one of the most valuable companies in the world. He has often reflected on the principles that guide him to make decisions.

Your choices make you the person you are. In the long run, it is not the zeroes in your bank account, but the choices you’ve made that will define who you are.

Bezos said, “When you are 80-years-old, and in a quiet moment of reflection narrating for only yourself the most personal version of your life story, the telling that will be most compact and meaningful will be the series of choices you have made.” Here’s a list of questions that Jeff Bezos thinks you should think deeply and answer for yourself to guide your choices.

1. How will you use your gifts?
Jeff Bezos Questions

We are all blessed with certain gifts and the onus is on us to make use of these gifts. We can opt for the choices that help us build something bigger than ourselves with our capabilities. We can use our gifts and talents to create a compelling story for our lives.

2. What choices will you make?

It is the everyday choices, the decisions and the things that we do that shape our lives. Great achievers are long term thinkers, they think ahead and develop a long-term perspective of things. They are not short sighted and are able to develop the habits that help them achieve what they want.

When Jeff Bezos wanted to start Amazon, he thought about possibilities of failure, but went ahead because he didn’t want his life to end up in regret of not trying.

3. Will inertia be your guide, or will you follow your passions?

One of the biggest hurdles for talented people is that they are too busy to change anything. They are driven by the state of inertia, not willing to risk any action unless they’re compelled. Following your passions and dreams requires action and hardwork.

4. Will you follow dogma, or will you be original?
Jeff Bezos Questions

It’s always been like this is a mantra that leads to stagnation. People who are original are able to think through things and evaluate their actions. Are you a person who understands things or is happy following the regular course without thinking about them? Great things start with curiosity and willingness to try.

5. Will you choose a life of ease, or a life of service and adventure?

We can always choose the default state and have a comfortable life. But great leaders and achievers are driven by something higher. They are driven by a mission or a wrong they want to correct. They are willing to stretch themselves, endure and do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

6. Will you wilt under criticism, or will you follow your convictions?

It is easier to find faults and criticize people for what they are doing. But it is hard to do things that make the difference. Many people are easily discouraged and give up what they want to achieve in the face of hardships or criticism. The top achievers learn to focus on what matters to them.

7. Will you bluff it out when you’re wrong, or will you apologize?
Jeff Bezos Questions
Your character is revealed in the moments you make a mistake. It is easy to bluff others, but you can never bluff yourself. If you have made a mistake, apologize and follow a corrective course of action. Deceptions will lead you astray and lose your credibility too.

8. Will you guard your heart against rejection, or will you act when you fall in love?

Jeff Bezos like many other successful people have mastered the art of rejections. They know that a systematic approach to experimentation, improvement and relentless efforts leads to success. Bezos has made the biggest bets of his career based on this ability to learn from failures.

9. Will you play it safe, or will you be a little bit swashbuckling?

You don’t get a second shot at life. We all have limited time and energy to make things happen. We can either go for our dreams or live in fear of failures, rejections and let life fizzle out. Successful people take chances, face the challenges and evolve with time.

10. When it’s tough, will you give up, or will you be relentless?

Jeff Bezos Questions
Everyone who decides to take the road less traveled has to face his share of struggles and challenges. Make no mistake about it. Successful people develop an inner compass that guides them through their struggles, they are able to endure longer and achieve things that they want.

11. Will you be a cynic, or will you be a builder?

Our energy creates the things we do. Jeff Bezos and top achievers spend more of their energy in building something, doing constructive things and not in merely fault finding. It is easier to be a cynic or a critic. But the glory goes to the doers, the achievers.

12. Will you be clever at the expense of others, or will you be kind?

Are you doing things that will make you proud? You can get ahead at the expense of other people, but that will not last. It will not create a legacy that you will cherish. Doing good, being kind and living your highest values will never hold you back in life.


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