5 Common Habits that Affect Your Progress in Workplace

Your habits are the guiding force for your career & life. Subconsciously, we develop habits that can harm us & affect our progress in the workplace.

We get into cycles of events, thoughts and procrastination that stops us from reaching our full potential. But to excel and thrive in a competitive world, we need to do our best every day and master our routines.

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How to be Super Productive at Work

How to be Super Productive at Work

First of all what is meant by being productive? Productive means a person’s capability to work efficiently and give his desired output which is beneficial for the organisation he is working for. It is also a surefire way to ensure growth for an individual.

Spending time at work without proper output leads to stagnation. People who excel at their work make best use of their time in doing something valuable.

Productive Workplace

Being productive at workplace is not as tough as people think, rather it just requires how effectively and efficiently you can manage your time. No matter what you do, there are only 24 hours a day that you need to manage on your own.

Below listed are some easy yet fruitful techniques which will help you in being more productive at your work. Please have a look & charge yourself:

1. Time Management

You should divide your time for tasks and try to accomplish them within the limits. However, there are some reports that show only a few percent of people are able to complete their specified task on time.

So, this is the first step in being productive. There are various tools like Pomodoro Timers which help in managing your time in different work sections.

Create a strategy where you devote your best times for cracking the hardest and the most important things first.

2. Rest Intervals

Rest Intervals

Scheduling breaks time to time has proven to be really effective as it helps in improving the concentration levels. A person’s performance can decline if he works without taking any gap.

For producing quality work, fatigue is a salient feature as small breaks during long chores can help in maintaining a stable performance level. One can walk a bit or listen to calm music for concentrating better.  

3. Say No to Multi-tasking :

Nowadays we think that doing multiple tasks at a time can help bringing the effectiveness and completion of job on time; but this is not always true. In order to seek various tasks at a particular hour, one can lose his productivity as well as time.

Therefore, complete a single work and then move onto the next. In this way there won’t be any reduction in the effectiveness of tasks performed.

4. Set Deadlines

Set Deadlines

Imposing deadlines for ownself is really important if you want to manage your work. Self-stress in a reasonable level is a unique way for focusing on tasks and meeting targets on time.

So, just work under a time limit and you will be amazed to see how coherent you were while doing your job.

You create value when you finish tasks with high quality and within reasonable deadlines.

5. Practice the “two-minute” rule :

The “two-minute” rule from the famous entrepreneur Steve Olenski emphasizes on doing small chores that can be accomplished in two minutes or less. The reason behind this concept is to save time time by doing short tasks immediately, rather than coming back to it later.

By practicing this “two-minute” rule, Steve Olenski has become one of the most successful online content strategist.

6. Prioritize your Work :

Prioritize your Work

Every chore is not equally important. For this, you have to first look behind the consequences of not completing the task. Divide your time among each task and complete the ones with immediate deadline rather than with extended ones.

This way each work can be finished on time and targets can be achieved within the set frame.

7. Have an Optimistic Approach :

It’s the negativity that keeps you distracted and less motivated from your work. So, it’s really important to start your day with positive energy.

The fact is, if you are happy and have an optimistic approach, then you will be doing your job more productively as you’ll be focused and not diverted from your goal.

If you believe that you can handle the pressure and complete the work on time, then you can definitely do so. Happiness and optimism go hand in hand; so you should be both in order to achieve what you want.

8. Eat Healthy and Exercise Daily

Eat Healthy and Exercise Daily

It is prominent to keep an eye on what you eat as it has an impact on boosting brain power and the productivity of your work. Eating healthy not only helps in maintaining but also in improving the productivity.

On the other hand, exercising assists in building a good physique as well as mental wellbeing. If you want to be productive during your task, you have to be both mentally and physically fit. If you are healthy you’ll provide more quality work and there will be a tremendous change in your productivity level.

These are some of the basic tips to be productive while doing your work. You don’t need to be master of all, but yes implementing these in your day-to-day life will definitely make you super productive and very effective. At the end, always work smarter & take pride in what you do.