7 Habits of Highly Effective Problem Solvers

Great Problem Solvers

Are you a problem solver or complainer? If you solve problems, you add value. If you complain, you add to the problems. The tougher the problems you solve, the more valuable you will become.

Problem solvers have a solution centric mindset. They see problems as challenges and opportunities to improve things. They look at things objectively and maximise their growth by solving critical problems.

Good problem solvers have a positive attitude, which allows them to look at the bright side of things. It allows them to have the self belief to come up with great solutions and try until they succeed.

Problem solvers are welcomed everywhere, especially in the professional world of complexity. Have you looked at some people and wondered how they are able to come up with simple solutions to complex problems? It is a rare trait and one that makes people successful.

The problem solvers use analytical thinking, logical approach and focus on finding solutions. They use information and try persistently to come up with the right solution that benefits everyone. The problem solvers are open minded and explore variety of ways to crack things until they hit the right solution.

Here we look at the 7 highly effective habits that make good problem solvers.

1. Intuition & Data

Intuition & Data

Good problem solvers use a combination of intuition and data to come up with the right solutions. Intuition is often the starting point of many solutions, but when it is backed with data, experimentation and facts, it can result in great solutions.

When you train your mind to come up with solutions, you invariably develop intuition and skills to come up with creative inspirations.

Problem solvers realize that intuition can be channelised with the right thinking and training. The effective use of intuition, experimentation and data can be used to crack tough problems.

2. The Right Mindset

Problem solvers have the right mindset and attitude. They are not cowed by problems, in fact they look forward to opportunities where they can contribute. When others are backing away and shying from taking responsibility, problem solvers take up the challenges.

The right mindset allows you to focus all your energies in finding the solutions. Your approach and enthusiasm in dealing with problem goes a long way in helping you solve them too.

3. Identify the Opportunity

Identify the Opportunity

How do you value experts? Well, it is their capabilities and skills to solve problems that make professionals valuable. When you build a capacity to solve tough problems, eventually you will rewarded with what you truly deserve.

Great opportunities are often wrapped up inside problems. Every problem is an opportunity to advance your learning and growth. The quality of solutions you develop eventually define your quality.

Effective problem solving requires understanding of the big picture. Problem solvers know that their contribution matters.

4. Understand the Problem

Problem solvers understand the problem they are solving in depth. They define the problem, understand the constraints and then work towards the solution.

They explore various perspectives, options and environment for the problem they are trying to solve. Thorough understanding of the problem is a must for providing the right solution.

Problem solvers also adopt a dynamic approach to things they do. Things change overtime and many a times, you need to come up with a new solution. The evolution is only possible with in depth understanding of what you’re trying to achieve.

5. Excellent Communication Skills

Excellent Communication Skills

A lot of problems can be simply resolved with good communication. How you communicate makes a huge impact. Sometimes, you may be under impossible and difficult situations, communicating things can be very helpful.

Many business problems require proper communication and collaboration for the right solution. People who succeed in stressful professional environments learn the art of communication. They know that stakes are high and they cannot let their team down.

Successful professionals are able to articulate what they are doing with clarity. They never mislead and are transparent about things.

Communication requires good understanding of what is needed from you, what you can deliver and when you can deliver it.

6. Open Minded

You cannot know everything. But it shouldn’t prevent you from attempting things you don’t know about. Exploration and open mindedness are traits that can help you develop skills required for success.

Effective problem solvers are open to new ideas. They readily accept inputs from other people that are contrary to their beliefs and willing to try new things. They know that they don’t have all the answers and they cannot be right every time.

The open minded approach helps problem solvers to learn new things. The constant learning expands their mind and helps them grow to greater heights in their profession and life.

7. Built to Last

Built to Last

When Mark Parker was appointed as the CEO of Nike in 2006. He called Steve Jobs to seek his advice on how they can create a digital roadmap for Nike & its products.

Parker shared that Steve Jobs said something that really struck with him. Jobs said, “Nike makes some of the best products in the world. Products that you lust after. But you also make a lot of crap. Just get rid of the crappy stuff and focus on the good stuff.”

The essence of all problem solving is to create and build solutions that last. The effective problem solvers build solutions that are really top notch and excellent. They solve problems, never create more problems with their solutions.