4 Energy Draining Habits You Should Give Up to Achieve Success


Successful people have this uncanny ability to stay energetic all the times. They exude energy and enthusiasm that is hard to miss & contagious. They are always raring to go, radiating energy and attracting the right opportunities.

There seems to be a causal relationship between energy and success. Energetic people are more successful than lousy people.

Gallup surveyed 10,000 people & only 11% said they felt like they had a lot of energy. A lot of people feel stressed, lack energy and eventually fail to achieve success.

We all have limited energy, but it is possible to maximise how you spend your energy. You can create abundance and enrich your life by using your energy well.

1. Overloading yourself with Unnecessary Decisions


You need to maximise your energy reserves by eliminating unnecessary decisions. Every decision you take adds to your cognitive load. The most successful people have automatic morning routines and reduce their choices by eliminating the unnecessary stuff.

Several studies have shown that our brains can only handle a certain number of decisions per  day. Once exhausted lose self-control and will-power. But great athletes, top professionals and all great achievers maximise their energy by spending it on things that matter the most.

For e.g. what you wear, what time you start your day, what you eat for breakfast etc. shouldn’t  engage your brain first thing in the morning. The most successful people are driven by well planned routines. It helps them focus on important activities rather than mundane pursuits. 


 2. Complaining & Negativity

Complaining and negativity never make life miserable for anyone other than you. You torture yourself when you complain.

Several studies show that complaining and negativity harm your health and brain. They make you pessimistic, gloomy and

There are numerous studies that show the negative impacts of pessimism, bitterness, and regret on your health. The more negativity you have the worse your body will get. Here is a study conducted by Mayo Clinic that shows how harmful these emotions can be for you.

Instead of negativity and complaining, pay attention to what is good in your life. Be grateful for the things that are good. Find solutions for your problem, but don’t complain. The most energetic people are looking at ways to improve & make things better.

3. Direction and Focus


When you change directions too often, work with negative attitude and constant distractions, you will spend time without accomplishing anything significant.

When you work with whole hearted attention, focus and commitment, it energises you. It helps you do great work. Look at any great work of art, creativity and historical achievement; it was done with full commitment. The secret is direction and focus.

In a Harvard business school study it was found, “Of all the events that engage people at work, the single most important — by far — is simply making progress in meaningful work.”

When you work with positive attitude and commitment, it energises you and makes you accomplish great feats. It will even surprise you what you are capable of achieving when you are committed and believe in what you are doing.

4. Unsteady Mind

Unsteady Mind

An unsteady mind can make your life hell. It can dissipate all your energy and make you restless. There is simply no escape from a turbulent mind full of unwanted thoughts. A mind full of thoughts will make you mediocre at everything.

How can you tame your mind? It’s possible to do it with meditation. The ability of the mind to stay in the present moment is crucial for achieving success in anything you do. It means the mind should wander.

There are hundreds of studies and researches on how beneficial meditation is for your mind and body. Meditation is a process where you connect with yourself. With constant practice, you can subdue your mind and quieten it.

Siegfried Othmer has done extensive research and has been involved with neurology since 1985. He conducted research on participants who were meditating. Those who meditated showed an average gain in IQ of 23 percent.

Meditation helped participants to lower their stress levels, but improved their creativity, concentration, and self-awareness.

Meditation is a process where you can energise yourself with abundance. It will make you steady your mind and make you ready to take on whatever comes your way.


How energetic you feel is often decided by your perceptions and attitude. A positive approach means you make the best of what you get. People who have enthusiasm and energy conquer the toughest problems. They work with great intensity and commit themselves in whatever they pursue. They become magnets for attracting success and great opportunities.