8 Solid Hacks to Improve the Quality of Your Work

Hacks to Improve the Quality of Your Work

What you do and how well you do it defines you. The greatest professionals and top achievers in any field excel because they are passionate about their work. It is rare to see anyone who reaches the top hating what his work.

The quality of work often separates the ordinary people from the top  achievers. With tight deadlines, constantly changing priorities and uncertainties looming in your head, it can be hard to stay focused.

But the top professionals always find a way to achieve consistency and deliver high quality work. Infact, they are rated top professionals owing to the quality of what they do.

Here’s a look at 8 hacks which will help you to improve the quality of your work.

1. Spirit of Work

Your work occupies the largest part of your day and mindspace. You cannot do well in your life, unless you do things with the right spirit. The energy and spirit with which you work is very important. Hate your boss, but love your work. The quality of your work will never let you down.

If you don’t like what you do, switch track and pursue what you love. Quality work will open the doors to the greatest opportunities of your life.

2. Negative Feedback

Negative Feedback

It sounds counterintuitive, but negative feedback shapes the quality of your work. When you want to improve continuously, you need to seek ways where you can do better.

It is also equally important to understand that negative or constructive feedback can pinpoint areas for improvement. A Harvard study revealed that when the negative feedback comes from someone who values you, it can help you improve and grow.

When the intention behind the negative feedback is positive & comes from someone who knows your craft, it can push you in the right direction. It can make you aware of your blind spots that you need to work on.

3. Taking Ownership

The guys who produce the best work are those who own things they work on. It means putting yourself in the line of fire and acknowledging your mistakes.

It means doing everything it takes to get things done and taking full responsibility for what you do. When you work with full commitment and energy, it multiplies your opportunities.

Great athletes, artists, scientists and professionals are recognized by the best work of their lives. When you work with an attitude of ownership, you care about the results and do your best.

4. Quit multitasking

Quit multitasking

Multitasking often leads to mediocrity. It is a sure fire way of diluting the quality of your work. Several studies have shown that multitasking robs you of quality work. It causes distractions and leads to poor productivity.

Our brains are geared to handle one task at a time. When we do things with full attention, the quality of the work is elevated. In other words, you need to put all your mental energy into the task to get the best outcomes. 

5. Tools & Technology

We are all hard pressed to do things faster and better all the time. The rate at which things are progressing, we need to make the best use of time available at our disposal. The top professionals in various fields know and learn to use the best technology and tools available for them.

Whether it is the latest app, gadgets, other tools and technologies, find out what works for you. Using the best tools and technology can help you become more efficient in your work. It can help you gain significant advantage over others who don’t use them or use them inefficiently.

6. Be Honest

Be Honest

People who stand out from the crowd are driven by very strong values. They know what they are doing and why they are doing them. You cannot cheat your way to success in life. There is a price you need to pay for everything you do.

When you are honest with yourself and you do your best, there is great satisfaction. You are mentally free from all complexities and can do really well in your chosen field. 

“If you want to be successful, you must respect one rule – Never lie to yourself.” 

Paulo Coelho.

7. Everyone Makes Mistakes

Mistakes are fine as long as you don’t make them intentionally. When you are doing something new and creative, mistakes happen. The best thing is to move on quickly and learn from those mistakes. The lessons from mistakes can be applied to your work going forward.

Moving forward is the key. When you make mistakes, acknowledge them and move forward. Forgive yourself and take the next course of action that will help you do better work. Mistakes are signs of progress, provided you own them and move forward.

8. Humility


Arrogance rarely leads to sustained excellence. What you are doing today will be irrelevant tomorrow. The key is to evolve with the changing times and needs. When people become cocky, they become closed to other people’s opinions and feedback. 

When you are humble, you acknowledge people and things around you. You are more receptive to feedback and can adapt according to the situation. Quality work demands adaptability, change and constant focus. Without humility, it is easy to lose perspective on things.